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It's not just the adults....

Please don't think for a moment that it is the parents in our family that are the only one serving Christ here in Haiti. We have a family of missionaries. We are all gifted a little bit differently, but, we are all serving to further the Kingdom for Christ.

It is such a gift to be able to serve along side our children. It is inspiring to watch them serve. Our children each reach a different group of people.

Keegan easily shares his Nerf guns and the next thing you know we have 4 or 8 boys running around the outside of the house trying to GET each other. We hear lots of laughter and they are having fun like kids should. I think it is a great escape for these boys as they take a break from working for their families.

At least once a day and generally more than once there is a soccer game going on in our yard. These boys are fierce, even with the tiniest goals and field. It is mini soccer in flip flops or no shoes at all. It is SERIOUS business!! My favorite part is hearing Keegan spouting something in creole just like one of the boys. Keegan and Caleb no doubt thoroughly enjoy this time spent with neighbors.

Another ministry highlight I rather enjoy is watching Sarah in her role as carpool mom. After school, the kids that live down towards our home pile into our 4-runner and Sarah makes stop after stop. She gets lots of thank you's but my favorite is when the momma pops her head out and waves, smiles and shows her gratitude for the ride home for her child. What a fun way to connect with so many different families.

These are just a few examples of the love our children are doling out here. God has given us all a part to do. Not one task whether it is serious or not is more important than another. All together we are working to make a difference in this community. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve together. We are making memories that we will cherish and hopefully making a difference in the lives that we touch.

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